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Literacy Narrative

Becoming the better writer

Language and literacy are how we develop and become who we are with how we speak, read, write, and communicate with others. Verbal language shows young people social subtleties, giving them explicit foundation information that assists in understanding appreciation. Spoken language obtaining fabricates a longing to involve language for an assortment of purposes, like perusing, writing, and being attentive. Everyone’s literacy and language are different and/or taught differently depending on their background, whether that is cultural, society, school, and more. Growing up, everyone is not taught to speak, read, and write the same. 

To me, literature is a way of thinking, speaking, and writing. My language and literacy allow me to communicate with others and be comprehensive in anything I say or do. Since I was a baby, I was always told I speak very clearly. My literacy and language were very different from how my family grew up speaking. Part of my family grew up in the south, so when speaking we came off very country and people wouldn’t understand us, even though we’re speaking clear English. Given the heavy southern accent, many words are pronounced differently, and how my family grew up talking was very different than how others speak. Around the age of 5 and in kindergarten, I knew just about every word and how to formulate sentences. Going into elementary school, my mother wanted me to go into a school that would give me the perfect education and helped both of us as I continued to grow and land me in a good college. To get into the school I was in, I had to go through the lottery, of which I was ultimately picked. Harlem Success Academy, a liberal arts school, growing up in this school, I knew my literacy and language would be great. In the third grade, I was practicing writing little essays for state testing. My teacher told my mom that I had done really well, but I write too much or sometimes try to write too much when I don’t need to. Besides struggling to write less in my future writings, this was more so a positive moment for me. This piece of writing was special because I had a good score and it proved I knew what I was talking about in my writing and understood what I read. At a young age, I used to write a lot, including in my journals and diaries, so my writings were very important and special to me because now at my older age I could always go back to them and convince myself that I could write whatever if I needed to. I use the poem And Still I Rise, by Maya Angelou to explain my narrative and how I have overcome my difficulties; https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/46446/still-i-rise. I used the words, “Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.” Still I Rise” is essentially regarding self esteem and certainty. In the sonnet, Angelou uncovers how she will conquer anything through her confidence. She shows how nothing can get her down. She will adapt to any situation and nothing, not even her skin tone, will hold her back. The poem’s title, “Still I Rise,” suggests that the poem’s speaker is rising up despite or in response to challenging circumstances and is ascending regardless of or in light of testing conditions. I used this poem and lines because it resonates with how I struggled with my writing and had many setbacks, but I eventually was able to push myself to become better.

At my age now, I believe I have learned a lot from my literacy and language. It has helped me become the person I am and shape how I want my future life to be. Graduating from high school, going into college, I figured I wanted to be a psychologist, specifically a relationship counselor, and in this field, I will use a lot of my language and literacy so that my clients clearly understand what’s happening in their relationship and why it’s going downhill. My literacy and language will be clear to them on what they need to do so that their relationship becomes a success. Many relationship problems come from not communicating with each other and if I use my language and literacy skills to show and tell them how they need to communicate with each other, I think I will help many upcoming relations and marriages in the future. Before pursuing those dreams though, everything I have learned in my English classes and the benefits that I will get from this course, I am able to help my little nieces and nephews with their work and how they should comprehend what they are reading so that they understand what is asked of them. I am also able to show and teach them how to speak celery and formulate sentences so that others can understand what they are saying or asking. 

This is a picture of my acceptance to my first choice of schools I wanted to go to. This just showed me that I am capable of anything and with my language and literacy, I can achieve anything. To get into many of the schools I applied to, I had to write a personal narrative that would grab my audience and make them want to choose me to attend their school.  This go backs to my skills and how I overcame my challenges, making me a better writer and speaker to interpret my writing to others.